About us

The company was established in 1991. The main direction of production activity since 2004 is concentrated in the field of engineering construction.

Works in the field of construction are carried out under license number 41-L of STATE ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION OF UKRAINE.

Primary focus:

1. Perfoming functions of  the  general customer in the field of  construction of base stations of mobile operators;

2. Perfoming functions of  the general customer  in the field of  design of buildings and facilities, including the experimental building;

3. Instrumental examination and evaluation of technical condition of buildings and structures in order to develop projects  for the reconstruction or strengthening of buildings, including cultural heritage objects;

4. Technical certification of buildings and structures;

5. Implementation of  modern technical and technological solutions in the development of working drawings and specifications for  the line production of building constructions  and products;

Participation in the certification, approval  and periodic  tests of building structures, materials and products.

The stuff  of the company  includes 79 people, among whom 65% have a higher education. Six people from the directing  technical stuff of the enterprise have a scientific degree, successfully combining production activity with teaching work in the  Vinnytsa National Technical University. The average age of the employees is 34 years. 16 employees  are recent graduates.  Many recent graduates started  their  career in the company, when they studied on the II  or  III  term of their study at the University.

The annual turnover  of "Gervin"  LLC from the  quantity of the works is more than 10 Mln. UAH. 

By results of the ranking over 300,000 enterprises of Ukraine according to the official data of the State Statistics, "Gervin"  LLC is since 2007 on the list of  the industry leaders  of the National Business Rating of Ukraine according to the following  criteria:

1.  Volume of sales;

2. Labor productivity;

3. Wages;

4. Net profit.

In 2013 there was a reorganization of the association in order to improve the  coordination of the company.

Gervin Association consists of the following companies:

Gervin LLC  fulfills  coordination functions, finds specialized enterprises and  certified professionals; is responsible for the release of the total labor products in accordance with the regulatory requirements and legislation.

Gervin Project LLC  provides the involvement of  the qualified specialists to carry out specific activities in the field of construction  engineering; monitors the quality, volume and duration of works;  conducts verification and certification of the specialized equipment and devices.

Gervin MZ LLC  carries out the activity in the field of the mobile network development.

Scientific Research Laboratory of Effective  Building Structures of the Vinnitsa  National Technical University makes certification and approval  tests  of building materials and structures on the equipment  of the company  "Gervin" LLC, develops and introduces new materials and technologies.

Конструювання несучих конструкцій; проектування внутрішніх інженерних мереж, систем і споруд; проектування зовнішніх інженерних мереж, систем і споруд; розроблення спеціальних розділів проектів; технологічне проектування по об’ектах.